Welcome to the coupling professionals’ eplace since 1958 – ISO 9001:2020

20066 Melzo - Milan (Italy)
Via Ugo La Malfa, 25

+39 02 957 352 69

  • Trust the coupling professionals, since 64 years


Know- how and velocity of response 

Our over 64 years know-how allows us to reply quickly and precisely to every technical or commercial request. We make high engineering products at the maximum of transparency and traceability.

Speed and precision

Products, even custom-made ones, always reliable and delivered in very short time. No minimum quantity of purchase.

A trustworhty presence

Since over 64 years, we constantly renovate to take advantage of our great experience always in a better way as it is in our DNA. We pay the maximum of attention to the planning and the traceability of production. Technical skills and use of the most innovative simulation and design tools. Strong before and after sales assistance, reliable and quick.

Our Values

Continue the Italian manufacturing tradition and promote reliability, know-how and creativity all over the world through:

  • sustainable approach
  • respect
  • innovation
Manufacture and make available products technically reliable how, where and when the Client needs them.
Customizable products, competitive prices, fast deliveries, flexibility.


We can provide a wide range of standard industrial couplings, but we also produce many different special couplings for lenghts, manufacturings or materials, in order to adapt to many work environment. Many versions are ATEX certified.
If you need information, answers or quotations


Our team is at our Customer’s service in order to find the best solution in technical, logistical and administrative terms.

 pallino AT YOUR SIDE

A company made of people: direct relationship with a specific representative within the company for a constant assistance, frome the technical definition to the offer and the delivery of products.


Our company is certified ISO9001. The majority of our products is certified ATEX for the European market and TR-CU10, TR-CU12 for Russian market.


The complete and competent control of all the productive cycle allows us to contain prices, guaranteeing always reliability and high performance of all our products.


    Information pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 125, of law no. 124 - Pursuant to art. 1 c.125-bis of Law 124/2017, the company received in 2019/2020/2021/2022 state aid published in the RNA Transparency section and in the Explanatory note.