Know- how and velocity of response
Our over 64 years know-how allows us to reply quickly and precisely to every technical or commercial request. We make high engineering products at the maximum of transparency and traceability.
Products, even custom-made ones, always reliable and delivered in very short time. No minimum quantity of purchase.
Since over 64 years, we constantly renovate to take advantage of our great experience always in a better way as it is in our DNA. We pay the maximum of attention to the planning and the traceability of production. Technical skills and use of the most innovative simulation and design tools. Strong before and after sales assistance, reliable and quick.
Our Values
Continue the Italian manufacturing tradition and promote reliability, know-how and creativity all over the world through:
Information pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 125, of law no. 124 - Pursuant to art. 1 c.125-bis of Law 124/2017, the company received in 2019/2020/2021/2022 state aid published in the RNA Transparency section and in the Explanatory note.
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VAT no. 01746529152